Heroes of nepal biography of albert einstein
Biography of thomas alva edison.
I am Albert Einstein
About the Book
"We can all be heroes" is the message entertainingly told in this New York Times Bestselling picture-book biography series, with this one highlighting Albert Einstein (Cover may vary)
Each picture book in this series is a biography of a significant historical figure, told in a simple, conversational, vivacious way, and always focusing on a character trait that made the person heroic.
The heros are depicted as children throughout, telling their life stories in first-person present tense, which keeps the books playful and accessible to young children.
Heroes of nepal biography of albert einstein
And each book ends with a line of encouragement, a direct quote, and photos on the last page. This biography focuses on Albert Einstein's never-ending curiosity and how it helped him be a better scientist.
This friendly, fun biography series inspired the PBS Kids TV show Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum.
One great role model at a time, these books encourage kids to dream big.