Jack a life of cs lewis
Jack: A Life of C. S. Lewis by George Sayer.
Jack: A Life of C. S. Lewis
I had become a C.S. Lewis groupie (and still am)!
My membership in that exalted group had been confirmed during my initial post-cube-farm passion with Amazon, when I had (very wisely) invested some of my severance pay in the complete three-volume set of Lewis’ correspondence.
But then - I only skimmed through THIS book at first, when it arrived in the mail.
Jack a life of cs lewis
WHAT TEMERITY! I said inwardly - that some so-called close friend would so humanize this man, the Unimpeachable Icon of the Moral Majority, by displaying his foibles and follies!
But you know, folks, life’s like that.
No one’s perfect, no matter what Christian media might say or imply. We all expect our heroes to be really ROCK-SOLID people.
Jack a life of cs lewis movie
But let’s just look at ourselves honestly - are WE ourselves really solid - through & through?
More like shot full of holes!
And it’s unavoidable. BU