Helen watters rosslyn biography of rory

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    St Clair Family

    Succeeded 1890, died 1939

    Married in 1890 Violet, daughter of Robert Charles de Grey Vyner. At their wedding the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, proposed the health of bride and groom.

    Harry was a close friend of the prince who later became godfather to his son. Like the 4th Earl, he was a keen racehorse owner.

    Helen watters rosslyn biography of rory anderson

    A particular favourite was Buccaneer, who won the Gold Cup at Ascot. But he was also a gambler, and on one occasion bet £15,000 on Buccaneer to win the Manchester Cup. The horse lost.

    He gambled at the roulette tables of Cannes and Monte Carlo and recounted his exploits in his autobiography MyGamble With Life.

    Six years after inheriting title, properties, estate, colleries at Dysart, assets of £50,000, and a steam yacht of great splendour, he had lost everything and was declared bankrupt.

    The family silver, gold and silver plate was sold at a three-day auction in Edinburgh.

    On being made bankrupt he resigned his commission in the Fife Light