Desert eagle review hickok45 biography
Desert eagle review hickok45 biography
Desert eagle review 44...
Hickok45 Biography, Facts & Family
Birth / Real Name:
Greg Kinman
Kinman’s height is 6′ 8″ (2.03 m). He is a tall man and his son is even taller at 6′ 10″.
His wife is much shorter.
He weighs about 190 lbs
Body Measurements
Biography, Facts, Family
Hickok45’s real name is Greg Kinman, a retired middle-school English teacher from Pleasant View, Tennessee.
Most people know him from his YouTube videos about firearms. He has been creating his videos since January 6, 2007 and has since attracted more than 2 million followers to his channel, Hickok45.
Desert eagle 50 ae review
His son John Kinman helps him to make the videos and they cover firearms of all makes and models, historic and modern. In the videos he gives interesting facts about each gun, like the correct name of the gun, the manufacturer, the cost, how to load and fire it, etc.
Greg also shows off his marksmanship as he rarely misses his target when shooting.
The most interesting part