Leo tolstoy biography novel anna karenina karya

  • Leo tolstoy biography novel anna karenina karya
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    Leo tolstoy biography novel anna karenina karya

  • Leo tolstoy biography
  • See full list on britannica.com
  • Leo tolstoy
  • Leo Tolstoy - Russian Novelist, War & Peace, Anna Karenina ...
  • Anna Karenina

    "Anna Karenina" is a novel with a contemporary thematic in which the main theme is Anna's adultery because of which she get rejected from society and experiences a tragic end. Parallel to her story we follow up on the destructive love between Anna and Vronsky and the love story between Levin and Kitty based on an unselfish love.

    Tolstoy placed the plot in the 70's of the 19th century in Russia and despite the characters living in the same place their stories don't depend on each other, they are just a comment on each other.

    The main part of the novel is based on questions about the accepted and unaccepted male and female behavior in the society for which this novel is often compared to Flaubert's "Madame Bovary".

    Both novels have some touching points and, except for the main theme, the unhappy woman character that gets punished after finding happiness is one of them.

    Tolstoy, such as Flaubert, uses a narrator in the third person that knows all, comments on the even