Slipknot biography video theodore
Slipknot biography video theodore
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Members include SidWilson (performing alias #0), DJ; JoeyJordison (#1), drums; PaulGray(#2), bass; ChrisFehn(#3), percussion; JamesRoot(#4), guitar; Craig Jones (#5), sampling; ShawnCrahan (#6), percussion; MickThompson (#7), guitar; CoreyTaylor(#8), vocals, lyrics.
Addresses: Record company--Roadrunner Records, Broadway, 4th Fl., New York City, NY Phone: () , Fax: ()
Thrashing and bashing their way out of America's heartland, Slipknot has attacked stages with a vengeance and become popular around the world.
The group's sound is metal, with aggressive lyrics and at times a repulsive sense of humor. Fans are seemingly attracted not only to the catchy melodies of Slipknot's songs, but also to the group's symbolic persona.
Reaching back to dramatic influences like Kiss and Ozzy Osbou